Thursday, October 22, 2015

POL 303 Week 3 Assignment Final Research Paper Outline

POL 303 Week 3 Assignment Final Research Paper Outline
Final Research Paper Outline. Due by Day 7. This week’s written assignment is important preparation for the Final Paper. You will be constructing an outline of your Final Paper that will ensure you have all of the necessary elements required by this assignment.
Prepare: Please review the necessary course text chapters, articles, and multimedia. Conduct personal research necessary to complete the assignment.
Reflect: The end of the course is rapidly approaching, and now is a great time to begin working on your Final Research Paper. This assignment will give you an opportunity to create a detailed outline of your paper that can be reviewed by your instructor. The feedback that your instructor can provide will certainly help you create a better final product. Remember, the main point of your outline is to help you organize your thoughts and research. The outline should serve as the backbone of your paper and should provide the building blocks for your Final Research Paper.
Write: Make sure to read over the instructions for the Final Research Paper, which are located in Week Five of your online course or in the Course Components section of this course guide. As explained in those instructions, your paper should have seven major sections. For this assignment, you will need to create an outline in a Word document. Your outline must include the following:
  • Title page. See the guideline for Outline and the APA checklist for the correct format.
  • Introduction/Overview: Introduce the main topic, provide brief preview of main points, and introduce the
    main thesis.
  • Main Point 1: Identify implications for federalism related to the topic.
    o Provide a opic sentence that describes one positive impact of federalis monthe selected topic.
    o Provide a topic sentence that describes one negative impact of federalism on the selected topic.
    o Provide at least one scholarly source that supports your topic sentences. • Main Point 2: Identify implications for civil rights related to the topic.
    o Provide a topic sentence that describes one positive impact on the civil right sassociated with the selected topic.
    o Provide a topic sentence that describes one negative impact on the civil right sassociated with the selected topic.
    o Provide atl east one scholarly source that supports your topic sentence. • Main Point 3: Identify implications for civil liberties related to the topic.
    o Provide a topic sentence that describes one positive impact on the civil liberties associated with the selected topic.
    o Provide a topic sentence that describes one negative impact on the civil liberties associated with the selected topic.
    o Provide at least one scholarly source that supports your topic sentence.
    • Conclusion
      o Provide a brief review of your main points and over all thesis.
    • References:
      o Include a complete list of references utilized within the outline in APA format.

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