Monday, October 19, 2015

EXP 105 Week 1 DQ 2 Confidence in Yourself as a Learner.

DOWNLOAD: EXP 105 Week 1 DQ 2 Confidence in Yourself as a Learner.

Confidence in Yourself as a Learner [CLO: 2]1st Post Due by Day 3.Prepare: As Johnston (2013) notes in section 1.4 of your textbook, “Your thoughts, actions, and feelings play key roles in how you feel about yourself as a learner before, during, and after completing a learning task” (para. 17). These learning processes can give you a sense of confidence or fill you with dread as you consider the task that lies before you. In order to be an intentional learner, you need to recognize the powerful role your learning processes play and how to control and direct them before they control you.
Carefully read the true story of David in section 1.4 of of your textbook and watch the video Eddie Henderson: A leap toward a better future – Ashford University, about Ashford University student Eddie Henderson.
Reflect: As you begin your studies at Ashford University, what concerns do you have regarding your learning and achievement as a college student? How do your concerns relate to David’s or Eddie’s college experience? Now think of a time when you found yourself in a learning situation (e.g., a previous school experience or a new job) where you felt frustrated because you weren’t successful.
Write: Keeping in mind the learning situation you reflected on, address the following in your response: 
  • Share how your concerns relate to David and/or Eddie’s experience.
  • Describe the learning situation and identify the possible reasons why you weren’t successful.
  • What could you have done differently to reduce your frustration and increase your chances of success?
  • What did you learn from the experience that can help you be successful if you face a similar situation
    Your initial post should contain a minimum of 
    250 words and be written in complete sentences.
    Respond to Peers: Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers. Reflect on the situations described by your classmates. How might have you handled the situations? Provide additional suggestions that could have helped them reduce frustration and increase their chances of success. Each response should be a minimum of 50 words
    1. Think about it this way…
      This discussion is asking you to do five things:
      • Watch the Eddie Henderson video and read David’s story in section 1.4 of your text.
      • Describe your concerns related to David and/or Eddie.
      • Identify a situation where you felt frustrated because you were not successful and describe the reasons
      • Explain what you could have done differently and what you learned from this experience that could help
        you be successful if you face a similar situation again.
      • Respond to at least two of your classmates’ discussion posts. Use Respond to Peers to assist you with
        your reply. 

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