Thursday, October 22, 2015

PHL 458 Week 3 Individual Assignment Refining Solutions Paper.

DOWNLOAD: PHL 458 Week 3 Individual Assignment Refining Solutions Paper.

Most great solutions to problems begin with some initial flaws. Quality solutions arise by refining ideas. Refine your solution to the problem defined in your Week Two Individual Assignment by following the Three Steps in Refining process outlined in Ch. 10 and Ch. 11 of your text.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper. Include the following:
  • Original problem-The question you stated in your week 2 paper.
  • Initial solutions-The two solutions you discussed at the end of your week 2 paper.
  • Critical examination of best solution (Chapter 10)
  • Refined solution with implementation plan (Chapter 11)
  • Final solution
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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