Monday, October 19, 2015

EXP 105 Week 2 DQ Identifying Your Learning Patterns.

DOWNLOAD: EXP 105 Week 2 DQ Identifying Your Learning Patterns.

Identifying Your Learning Patterns [CLO: 2]1st Post Due by Day 3.Prepare: Before attempting this discussion, please be sure you have completed the Learning Connections Inventory (LCI), then carefully read Chapter 2 and the Week Two Instructor Guidance (this is located on the left navigation menu under Week 2). In particular, pay attention to sections 2.1 and 2.2 which provide an overview of each of the four Learning Patterns: Sequence, Precision, Technical Reasoning, and Confluence.
Reflect: Your results of the LCI take the mystery out of how you learn and provide you with a set of terms to describe your learning processes accurately and thoroughly. The information gained from completing the LCI explains what you may have always known and felt about yourself as a learner, but may not have had the words to describe. As stated by your textbook author, “The knowledge of your Learning Patterns provides you with an explanation of how you learn, not an excuse for failing to put forth the effort to learn.” Take some time to think about what you learned about yourself based on your results from the LCI.
Write: Using the results of the Learning Connections Inventory (LCI), Tables 2.1 through 2.4, and the information you read in sections 2.1 and 2.2, address the following:
a. List your scores, your level of use (Use First, Use as Needed, or Avoid) for each of the four Learning Patterns, and identify whether you are a Dynamic, Bridge, or Strong-willed Learner. 
  1. Describe a specific time when you used each Pattern to accomplish a task. Each example should demonstrate how you Use First, Use as Needed, or Avoid the Pattern being described based on your results from the LCI. Your examples may be from your academic, personal, or professional experiences. Examples should consist of at least three to five sentences in order to give a complete picture of your thoughts, feelings, and actions associated with each Learning Pattern.
  2. Analyze how the awareness of your Learning Patterns may help you in school, work, and/or personal relationships. How can you use this knowledge to be more intentional in these areas? In other words, what can be done to make positive changes in your life right now?
Your initial post should contain a minimum of 250 words and be written in complete sentences.
Respond to Peers: Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers. Compare and contrast how you use your Learning Patterns with how your peers use them. How can your classmates use their Learning Patterns to be more successful in daily life activities? Each response should be a minimum of50 words
Think about it this way…
This discussion is asking you to do four things:
  1. Ensure you have taken the Learning Connections Inventory (LCI). List the four scores you have for each
    pattern and identify whether you are a Dynamic, Bridge, or Strong-Willed Learner. Scores range from 7
    to 35.
  2. Describe examples (minimum of three to five sentences each) of how you have used each of the four
    Learning Patterns. Your examples should provide a picture of the thoughts, feelings, and actions you have
    when using that Pattern.
  3. Reflect on these three areas: school, work, and personal relationships. Write a paragraph describing how
    awareness of your Learning Patterns will help you in these areas. Identify changes you can make as a
    result of an awareness of your Learning Patterns.
  4. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ discussion posts. Use Respond to Peers to assist you with
    your reply. 

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