Monday, October 26, 2015

POL 303 Entire Course The American Constitution – Homeworkmade.

DOWNLOAD: POL 303 Entire Course The American Constitution – Homeworkmade.

POL 303 Week 1 DQ 1 Judicial Review
POL 303 Week 1 DQ 2 Congress and Federalism
POL 303 Week 2 DQ 1 Religious Liberty
POL 303 Week 2 DQ 2 Freedom of Expression
POL 303 Week 2 Teaching “Intelligent Design” in the Public Schools
POL 303 Week 3 DQ 1 Equal Protection and Gender Discrimination
POL 303 Week 3 DQ 2 Constitutional Issues Related to Same-gender Marriage
POL 303 Week 3 Research Paper Draft
POL 303 Week 4 DQ 1 Suspicion-less Strip Searches
POL 303 Week 4 DQ 2 Cruel and Unusual Punishment
POL 303 Week 5 DQ 1 Eminent Domain
POL 303 Week 5 DQ 2 Right to Bear Arms
POL 303 Week 5 Final Paper

POL 303 Week 1 DQ 1 Judicial Review – Homeworkmade.

DOWNLOAD: POL 303 Week 1 DQ 1 Judicial Review – Homeworkmade.

DQ 1 Judicial Review. Respond to this 2-part question in your initial post:
a.What is the Supreme Court’s justification for its claim to the power of judicial review in the American 
system of government? Fully explain Chief Justice Marshall’s rationale in Marbury v. Madison.
b.Do you find this rationale persuasive, especially in light of how the modern Court exercises this power in 
a decision like Bush v. Gore? Fully explain the constitutional basis of your reasons.

POL 303 Week 1 DQ 2 Congress and Federalism – Homeworkmade.

DOWNLOAD: POL 303 Week 1 DQ 2 Congress and Federalism – Homeworkmade.

DQ 2 Congress and Federalism. Respond to this 2-part question in your initial post:
a.What is the Supreme Court’s justification for recognizing broad and expansive national power in 
Congress to address what some view as “local” problems? Fully explain the Court’s rationale in McCulloch v. Maryland (by Marshall, C.J.) and the different rationales of various Justices in the 2012 Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) cases.
b.Which of the Court’s rationales do you find most persuasive? Which are the least persuasive? Fully explain the constitutional basis of your reasons.

POL 303 Week 2 DQ 1 Religious Liberty – Homeworkmade.

DOWNLOAD: POL 303 Week 2 DQ 1 Religious Liberty – Homeworkmade.

DQ 1 Religious Liberty. Respond to this 3-part question in your initial post:
Explain the Supreme Court’s reasons, in Edwards v. Aguillard (the majority opinion by Justice Brennan), for holding that a law mandating the teaching of creationism in public schools violates the Constitution’s ban on “establishment of religion.”
Explain the rationale of Justice Scalia’s dissenting opinion.
Which rationale, the majority or dissent, is more consistent with previous Supreme Court interpretations 
of the Establishment Clause (see Davis, 2008)? Fully explain the historical and constitutional basis for your position.

POL 303 Week 2 DQ 2 Freedom of Expression – Homeworkmade.

DOWNLOAD: POL 303 Week 2 DQ 2 Freedom of Expression – Homeworkmade.

DQ 2 Freedom of Expression. In 2010 the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, held that certain government restrictions on corporate funding of independent political broadcasts in candidate elections were unconstitutional (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission). This controversial decision has been greeted with calls to overturn it by amending the Constitution. Respond to this 3-part question in your initial post:
Explain the rationale of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United (the majority opinion by Justice Kennedy).
Explain the rationale of Justice Steven’s dissenting opinion.
Evaluate both the majority and minority rationales. Explain and justify your evaluation by drawing on 
previous Supreme Court interpretations of the 1st Amendment

POL 303 Week 2 Teaching Intelligent Design in the Public Schools – Homeworkmade.

DOWNLOAD: POL 303 Week 2 Teaching Intelligent Design in the Public Schools – Homeworkmade.

Teaching “Intelligent Design” in the Public Schools. Write your paper about a hypothetical proposal that is before the elected school board for the public schools in your city. The proposal stirs deep controversy in the community. Opponents claim that it would violate the Constitution’s prohibition against a “establishment of religion.” The proposed mandatory regulation states:
“The theory of ‘intelligent design’ shall be taught in the public schools of this city in all classes where the theory of evolution is taught. The theory of ‘intelligent design’ shall be taught as a possible scientific explanation for life, and other aspects of the universe, and as an alternative to the scientific explanation offered by the theory of evolution. For purposes of this regulation, ‘intelligent design’ is a theory that certain features of the universe and living things ‘are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection’ as claimed by the theory of evolution.” [See: IDEA Center. (2004). Intelligent design theory in a nutshell. Retrieved from
Write your paper from the perspective of a community member listed below. In other words, for this assignment, you will assume a role. Imagine yourself as one of the following people:
The superintendent of the public schools in your community.
The chair-person of the local elected school board.
A little known candidate running for mayor, who is challenging the long-time, highly popular mayor.
The president of the citywide Public School Parents Association.
The pastor of a local mega-church who believes in the literal interpretation of the Bible, including every 
aspect of the creation story.
A high school science teacher who is the elected president of the citywide teachers’ union.
Write your paper as if it will be read by a public audience who are likely to be interested in your views given your role in the community. With this in mind, write clearly and persuasively for that audience. You are not required to take a position that your audience agrees with; but you should write with the purpose of informing and persuading that audience. If you know someone who plays a role like this in your community, it might be interesting to discuss this assignment with that person.
Your paper must clearly state your position on the constitutionality of the proposed school regulation. Your paper should not address broader questions about the merits of the regulation; but it should focus on whether or not the regulation would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution. You must clearly explain and apply an interpretation of the Establishment Clause and justify your position using part of the rationale of at least one of the four different opinions authored by various Justices of the Supreme Court in the case of Edwards v. Aguillard (1987). However, the paper must be written in your own words without lengthy quotation from outside sources.

POL 303 Week 3 DQ 1 Equal Protection and Gender Discrimination – Homeworkmade.

DOWNLOAD: POL 303 Week 3 DQ 1 Equal Protection and Gender Discrimination – Homeworkmade.

DQ 1 Equal Protection and Gender Discrimination. In recent years opportunities for women in the U.S. military have been expanding. But 200,000 jobs may remain closed to women for a variety of reasons. Recently two female Army Reserve officers sued the government for excluding them from formal “assignment” to specific Army combat units and other positions solely because of their gender (Sampson, 2012). They argue that being excluded from these “assignments” limits their opportunities for advancement in the Army and restricts their current and future earnings and their retirement benefits. They also argue that the Army’s practice of “attaching” them to such units (instead of formally “assigning” them which is barred under Army rules) actually exposes them to greater danger than male soldiers because women are excluded from combat-arms training for engaging hostile opponents.
Respond to this 3-part question in your initial post:
Explain the Supreme Court’s reasons in United States v. Virginia (the majority opinion by Justice 
Ginsberg) for holding that excluding women from VMI violated the Constitution’s Equal Protection 
Explain the rationale of Justice Scalia’s dissenting opinion.
Does the military’s exclusion of women from formal and active combat “assignments” on the basis of 
gender violate their Equal Protection rights? To decide this issue, apply the rationale of either Justice Ginsberg or Justice Scalia. Fully explain your reasons for your position in terms of a constitutional rationale.
Sampson, Z. (2012, May 25). 2 female Army officers sue to reverse combat ban. Associated Press. Retrieved